Dismissed North Darfur Governor unveils reasons for his ouster

Darfur follow up: Elfashir

Nimr Abdel Rahman, the ousted governor of North Darfur, revealed on Wednesday that his dismissal stemmed from his commitment to neutrality and refusal to declare a mobilization campaign in support of the Sudanese army’s war against the Rapid Support Forces (RSF).

Abdel Fattah al-Burhan, the head of the Sovereign Council, dismissed Nimr from his position at the beginning of the year without providing a reason.

In statements to Sudan Tribune, Nimr explained that his dismissal followed “his refusal to support the war and to wear military uniform, as the rest of the state governors did.” He added, “We completely refuse to stand with any party in this war, regardless of the circumstances. So naturally, this led to my dismissal.”

Emphasizing that al-Burhan wanted him to wear the official armed forces uniform and go “towards the remnants of the former regime’s elements,” Nimr stated, “This is not the task of any respectable governor. I will remain a soldier in the service of my people in North Darfur and work with the people of Sudan, seeking to stop the war that al-Burhan has ignited.”

Nimr Abdel Rahman, also a leading member of the SLM-TC, asserted, “I do not care about al-Burhan’s decision to relieve me because he lacks legitimacy and constitutional eligibility. So, I will not recognize his decision. Prime Minister Abdallah Hamdok appointed me according to the Constitutional Declaration that the Commander-in-Chief of the Army overturned.”

He indicated his intention to collaborate with all revolutionary forces, Forces for Freedom and Change, to halt the war, deliver humanitarian aid to those affected, restore the democratic civil path, and build a state of equal citizenship without discrimination.

The military-led government directed all governors to open recruitment camps after declaring popular mobilization, following the RSF control of four states in Darfur, Khartoum, and Al-Jazira states, along with ongoing fighting in several areas of the Kordofan region.

The SLM-TC adheres to the neutrality declared at the beginning of the ongoing conflict and rejects reviewing it to support the army. The army accuses its leadership of colluding with the RSF as part of the anti-war coalition led by former Prime Minister Abdallah Hamdok.

Nimr denied the existence of a plan to remove the Sudanese army from El Fasher by the Darfur joint force, noting their efforts to stop the war between the two belligerents to preserve civilian lives.

He emphasized that the “national and even moral position” required them to be neutral and strive to protect civilians and facilitate humanitarian and commercial convoys.

Recent rumours about a plan to remove the Sudanese army from El Fasher coincided with the arrival of SLM-TC leader Al-Hadi Idris and Al-Tahir Hajer, head of the Gathering of Sudan Liberation Forces, to North Darfur State to inspect the joint force and visit displacement camps.

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