Troika condemn attack in Abyei Administrative Area

 Darfur follow up : Juba

The embassies of Norway, the United Kingdom, and the United States have condemned the latest attack in Abyei Administrative Area.

The incident, in which the Deputy Administrator of Abyei Noon Deng Nyok and several of his colleagues were killed, occurred on Sunday, December 31, 2023.

“The use of violence as a tool for political or economic competition perpetuates a dangerous cycle and must be universally rejected by all South Sudanese leaders,” reads the Troika’s statement, adding “This attack and all other incidents of violence should be investigated, and perpetrators held accountable”.

In a separate incident, five people were killed in fresh fighting in Athony Ayuok and Ayuoks villages in Twic, Warrap State and Abyei Special Administrative Area.

In recent years, violence is common in Abyei, where Twic Dinka from Twic County in Warrap State are locked in a dispute with Ngok Dinka from Abyei over the location of an administrative boundary.

The disputed oil-producing region is claimed by both Sudan and South Sudan.

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