Sudanese civilian forces and RSF leader agree to seek peaceful resolution

Darfur follow up: ADDIS ABABA

A delegation from the Coordination of Democratic Civilian Forces (Taqaddam) met with Mohamed Hamdan Daglo, head of the Rapid Support Forces (RSF), in Addis Ababa on Monday to discuss a potential ceasefire.

The meeting, which is set to continue on Tuesday, marked the first direct talks between pro-democracy political and civil forces and Daglo since the outbreak of the conflict in Sudan in mid-April.

Gaafar Hassan Osman, the official spokesman for the Forces for Freedom and Change coalition, stated that the discussions focused on three key areas: first, an immediate cessation of hostilities to protect civilians and facilitate humanitarian aid distribution; second, the need for an agreed comprehensive political vision to end the war and establish a stable Sudanese state, encompassing the structure and formation of the Sudanese armed forces; and third, the establishment of effective mechanisms to ensure the implementation of any agreements reached.

Rasha Awad, a spokesperson for the Coordination of Civil Democratic Forces, indicated that the meeting participants agreed to form fact-finding committees to investigate human rights violations and identify strategies to safeguard civilians from further harm.

The meeting concluded by forming a joint technical committee to study the roadmap and declaration of principles put forth by the civilian coalition. Further discussions will resume on Tuesday.

Awad and Osman both emphasized the positive atmosphere that characterized the meeting, highlighting the shared recognition among participants that the ongoing war in Sudan poses a significant threat to the country’s stability and necessitates urgent efforts to achieve peace.

Prior to the meeting, Daglo, in a video address commemorating Sudan’s Independence Day, denied any involvement of the RSF in widespread violations against civilians in Al-Jazirah State, central Sudan. He further urged the Sudanese army to admit defeat in the conflict and cease hostilities to pave the way for a negotiated settlement.

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