A human rights organization reveals details of tragic conditions in khartoum “eastern Nile”

Darfur follow-ups

The East Nile Observatory for Human Rights reviewed its third monthly report on the human rights situation in East Nile Locality for the month of November 2023

The Observatory said that the East Nile locality witnessed many violations in November of this year. Cases of assault and extrajudicial killing continued, as well as aerial bombardment of populated areas, the expansion of looting and theft, cases of forced disappearance, kidnapping and demand for ransom increased, cases of arbitrary arrest and torture, armed attacks on neighborhoods, and the forced displacement of citizens from their homes were repeated.

The report described the general human rights situation in East Nile, in which the number of cases of missing persons reported in November through the East Nile Emergency Room exceeded twenty cases, including 5 cases of women, including a case of kidnapping of a “pregnant” woman.

The Observatory monitored one case of a young man in his thirties whose disappearance was announced on the fourteenth of November, after which he was found dead with signs of torture – and this incident was not the first since the outbreak of war. Most of the cases were distributed between the areas of Maigoma and Al-Jireaf, east of Waad Babiker, and there were some cases. From other neighborhoods.

The Observatory pointed out that preventing the entry of medicine and medical supplies from the states, especially Gezira State, into Khartoum has caused a severe scarcity of many life-saving medicines in various regions in eastern Nile, and that the work of voluntary organizations is restricted and restricted by the military authorities, obstructing their efforts to deliver medical aid. And not granting it the necessary permits to perform its work, as happened to Doctors Without Borders,MSF which provides medical and logistical support to many hospitals, including  Ban jadeed and Um Dawa Ban in East Nile locality. All of this has increased the suffering of citizens by depriving them of receiving the necessary medical services. Many deaths are due to pharmacies running out of medicine.

He stated that random shooting in neighborhoods and on wedding occasions of Rapid Support members causes many casualties as a result of stray bullets that are distributed among residential neighborhoods.

He added that the Rapid Support Forces are still continuing to commit the violations that we mentioned in our reports last September and October, as the recruitment of children continues using the same methods that we mentioned, and some of the rapid support forces’ concentration points in the neighborhoods are witnessing multiple cases of racial discrimination among citizens on the A regional or tribal basis, as we mentioned in detail in previous reports.

He said that since the first cases of cholera were recorded in the second half of last September in Alban Jadeed Hospital in Haj Youssef, and then the outbreak of the cholera epidemic in some local neighborhoods in East Nile, as the East Nile Emergency Room announced in its published reports, cases have continued to increase steadily, About (300) confirmed cases of the epidemic have arrived at Alban Jadeed Hospital, including more than (20) deaths so far.

This is in addition to the cases that were monitored in health centers in the neighborhoods, and the deaths that occurred in homes before they were able to reach the hospital, and the neighborhoods have reached In which cases of the spread of the epidemic were recorded in the East Nile locality (19) neighborhoods, which are: (Al-Wehda, Dar Al-Salam, Al-Baraka, Change City (formerly Al-Bashir), Al-Ittidha, Ed Babiker, Al-Takamul, Al-Agadam, Al-Fayhaa, Al-Nasr neighborhood, Al-Shegla, Al-Radamiya, Al-Maiguma, Rimellah, Green Valley, Hattab, Al-Bawaga, Al-Ghar and Nabta)

Since the outbreak of war on the morning of April 15, the Eastern Nile region has witnessed types of grave violations and lack of means of life, with the deterioration of health services and sometimes their complete cessation in some areas, and the expansion of the war to include new neighborhoods in the region, all of which are suffering from the same scourges.

The humanitarian and living situation The citizens of Khartoum State, especially the East Nile locality, are in extremely bad conditions due to the difficult conditions in which they live, with their constant presence under bombardment and their exposure to many violations on an ongoing basis, in addition to the steady increase in the level of poverty and unemployment in light of the complete collapse that befell the public and private sectors, the result of which was no Payment of wages to workers in these two sectors since the outbreak of war until now.

On Wednesday, the first of November, a tree fell in the Wad Defaya area of the house of citizen (A.A.), causing the house’s wall to be demolished and the power lines damaged.

On Saturday, the eleventh of November, a shaft fell at the Hillat Koko power station, which led to a power outage in the neighborhoods of (Hillat Koko, Jireaf Qamar, and Al-Maigoma). The fall of other shafts at the station later caused the cessation of maintenance work that was being carried out. It has engineers at the station.

He added, on Monday, the twentieth of November, Dana fell in the western Wad Defaya area following an exchange of artillery shelling between the Rapid Support Forces and the army, which led to the citizen (M. T.) being injured by shrapnel in the shoulder and chest.

On Monday, the twentieth of November, a projectile fell in the Shegla area, causing five citizens to receive varying injuries, and a doctor at Alaa Hospital was injured by shrapnel in the head.

On Friday, the twenty-fourth of November, a dungeon fell in the Hilla Koko area of a citizen’s house, killing the head of the family and one of his daughters, and also causing several injuries to the children in the house.

On Saturday, the twenty-fifth of November, several blocks fell in the Hilla Koko area, causing the destruction of large parts of the house of the citizen (M.A.D.) and the house next to it.

He said that on Monday, the twenty-seventh of November, military aircraft bombed the Tarmba market in the Soba East area. This resulted in (16) deaths and more than twenty injuries that were monitored among citizens.

According to the report, there are 7 cases of assault and extrajudicial killing. On Saturday, the fourth of November, a group of three individuals affiliated with the Rapid Support Forces raided the house of the citizen (Hassan Sheikh Idris) in the Soba East area – Al-Qunayab neighborhood for the purpose of stealing.

The citizen (Hassan Sheikh Idris – 75 years old) was killed by a bullet in the back, and his grandson (M.A.H) was seriously injured.

On Tuesday, November 7, a group affiliated with the Rapid Support Forces attacked the Al-Naseem neighborhood with the aim of stealing a car. While citizens were confronting the theft, a citizen was shot in the foot, and then the group fled.

He added, on Sunday, the nineteenth of November, a group of (15) individuals belonging to the Rapid Support Forces arrived on board two (Box) cars to the Muzdalifah area – Station (18), and then they fenced off the house of the citizen (A.A.) and assaulted him. He and his neighbor were beaten.

On Friday, the twenty-fourth of November, a group affiliated with the Rapid Support Forces clashed with citizens in the old Haj Youssef area – Station (13) after the group attempted to steal a car.

The group opened fire and terrorized the citizens, causing a citizen to be injured by shrapnel, and one of the members was killed. The group then arrived, after which a force affiliated with the military police of the Rapid Support Forces arrived and contained the situation. Later, on the same day, a group of citizens from the neighborhood were arrested in connection with what happened.

On Monday, the twenty-seventh of November, the Rapid Support Forces assassinated two people and looted their ZS dumper truck, which was loaded with sacks of corn. The incident occurred west of the Al-Akirab neighborhood – Ad Babiker Administrative Unit.

The truck was then seen in the university city of The northern side of the Ad Babiker area, which is a residential area whose residents were displaced by the Rapid Support Forces, who made their homes their headquarters and detention centers, and deployed snipers on the roofs of their buildings.

On Monday, the twenty-seventh of November, a force consisting of twenty members of the Rapid Support Forces attacked a house in the northern Muzdalifah area at three o’clock in the morning for the purpose of stealing a Box car. The people of the area confronted them, leading to the injury of one of the citizens with a bullet in the shoulder. Another was injured by shrapnel in the hand, and they were taken to the hospital.

On Saturday, the twenty-fifth of November, the Rapid Support Forces closed all roads leading to the Umm Dawa Ban area, prevented and restricted entry and exit movement to and from the area for an entire day, and returned dozens of cars coming to the area on the eastern Wad Madani Road at the Al-Usaylat area.

This is without explaining any reasons, and citizens have been affected by this closure, especially since the region is witnessing a continuous state of displacement due to indications of the possibility of a clash between the Rapid Support Forces and the army forces in that region.

He pointed out that 9 cases of arbitrary arrest, kidnapping and ransom were monitored, including on Sunday, the fifth of November, a Rapid Support force kidnapped a number of citizens as they were leaving the city of Khartoum in a large cargo vehicle (Dfar) heading to the city of Shendi, and demanded the payment of a ransom sum of money.

In exchange for their release, they and the truck (Dufar) they were traveling in were not released until the required ransom amount was paid.

On Friday, the tenth of November, an individual affiliated with the Rapid Support Forces arrested citizens (M.A.) and (M.D.) in front of their house in the Al-Salamah neighborhood – Soba East and demanded that their families pay a financial ransom in exchange for their release, later after someone was informed. The rapid support advisors involved in the incident have been released.

On Friday, the seventeenth of November, a group affiliated with the Rapid Support Forces kidnapped the citizen (Amjad Abdel Rahman – 45 years old) from his home in the Haj Youssef area – Al-Imtidad – Square (11) and took him to an unknown destination.

The group demanded a financial ransom of (100 One million Sudanese pounds. After that, the group returned to his house taking him with them and took a car and valuable gold belongings in exchange for his release, but they did not release him as promised and took him with them again to an unknown destination, then demanded a financial ransom of (30 million Sudanese pounds). ) in exchange for his release.

On Tuesday, the fourteenth of November, in the eastern Al-Jarif area, the citizen (M.A.M. – 23 years old) was kidnapped while she was in her ninth month of pregnancy. She then returned to her home after giving birth without her child, and she was in a state of shock and unaware of the place of birth or any details. It happened to her.

All she remembered was that the kidnappers asked the midwife to take the child, and despite the calls that were published on the media, her family was unable to find out which midwife took the child.

On Thursday, the twenty-third of November, a Rapid Support force arrested the citizen (M.A.) while he was heading from the Umm Doum area to the city of Wad Madani. They later released him, but then returned and arrested him a second time.

On Thursday, the twenty-third of November, a Rapid Support force arrested the activist (Tariq Amar Al-Basha) from his home in the Al-Shaqla area – Al-Abraj, where he and his brother and sister-in-law who were with him at the house were arrested. It is worth noting that the activist (Tariq Ammar Al-Basha) had mentioned In the media, the day before his arrest, a force raided their house and looted all their possessions and money, only for the same force to return again and arrest him, along with his brother and his brother’s wife, and demand a financial ransom from their families in exchange for their release.

He added, on Thursday, the twenty-third of November, a force affiliated with the Rapid Support Forces arrested the citizen (Muhammad Omar Abdel-Ghani Moaz) from the Um Doum area, and he has not been released yet.

On Monday, the twenty-seventh of November, the citizen (Fathi Hassan Othman) was arrested by Hajj Youssef – Station (24) while he was returning from the city of Wad Madani, and after his absence for (18) days, one of the detainees who was released confirmed that he was in a rapid support detention center in Soba West. He arrived after he was transferred from Station 24 detention center to Kafouri and then to Soba West detention center, where there was no news of him.

The Observatory revealed that it had monitored 7 cases of armed looting and theft. On Thursday, the second of November, members of the Rapid Support Forces headquarters stationed in the administrative unit of Hajj Youssef – One Street asked the residents of the Al-Imtadad neighborhood – Square (3) to leave their homes, and then they looted them.

On Friday, the third of November, a Rapid Support force stormed the village of Wad Hassouna, and was supported by forces affiliated with (Abu Aqla Kikel). These forces seized the police station in the village, and carried out extensive looting of shops and citizens’ property. They also killed three citizens in a manner… brutality.

On Saturday, the fourth of November, members of the Rapid Support Forces stole an Isuzu truck in the eastern Al-Jarif – Kirkuk neighbourhood.

On Sunday, November 5, a Rapid Support group came on board a Mawater to the Um Dom area – Al Mashalah Station, and looted some shops.

On Friday, the tenth of November, a group affiliated with the Rapid Support Forces came on board a motor vehicle and attacked a group of young men in the Umm Dawa Ban area, and robbed them at gunpoint. Two citizens were injured when they tried to resist.

On Tuesday, the fourteenth of November, a group using four Rapid Support vehicles pursued a travel bus heading to the city of Atbara in the Napata area. They stopped the bus and then looted the passengers’ phones and the driver’s money.

On Wednesday, the twenty-ninth of November, four individuals affiliated with the Rapid Support Forces attacked one of the shops (a food shop) located in the Ad Babiker area – between the Central neighborhood and the Haj Al-Nour neighborhood. They threatened the shop owner and a bean and falafel seller who owned a selling table. In front of the store, as well as some citizens who were patrons of the store with firearms, they also looted sums of money amounting to (100,000) from the owner of the store and (18,000) from the other. The next day, the same force returned to the store with two additional individuals and looted a phone and a sum of money from a driver. Raksha.

The report indicated that the Observatory is working hard to complete several reports on some of the repeated violations individually, and they will be published as soon as they are completed.

The East Nile Observatory for Human Rights works continuously to follow up and monitor the human rights situation in East Nile locality. In doing so, the Observatory strives to monitor and document the violations that occur against citizens.

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