Rapid Support force storms the Um Shedida border between the Nile and Gedaref states

Darfur Follow-ups: Gedaref

Sources said that a Rapid Support force led by Abu Agla Kekal stormed the “Um Shedida” border area between the Nile River and Gedaref states and looted weapons and ammunition from the area’s police department. The sources said that the force headed from “Um Shedida” to the “Wad Bishara” private mining area in Butana. Of Gedaref State.

According to an eyewitness, the force entered the “Wad Bishara” market and bought some items before leaving. The eyewitness said that the force spent more than an hour in the market and did not display any hostile behavior toward the market or the area.

He added, “The situation is now stable and even the shops in the region’s market have not closed their doors.” Meanwhile, lawyer Ahmed Babiker Al-Daw Shula, the political secretary of the Butana platform, called for the necessity of resolving the entry of – what he described – rebellion into the states of the Nile River and Gedaref, and not to extend the war or expand its scope.

Meanwhile, journalist Jamil Al-Fadil believes that the emergence of a Rapid Support force in different regions of Sudan comes within the pattern of guerrilla wars to exhaust the army.

Al-Fadil told Radio Dabanga that expanding the scope of military operations at this stage is a strategic goal for rapid support to disperse the army’s efforts and disperse them in different areas.

He added: But it seems that the army was aware of this issue and left areas such as the four states of Darfur without waging battles to recover them.

He stated that the war between the two powers appears from day to day in different forms according to the nature of its developments, the course of the situation, international positions on the war, and the threats and innuendos from the United States after the failure of the Jeddah negotiations.

He pointed out that the political and negotiating path in the Sudanese crisis is inseparable from the developments of the situation on the ground, and continued, “Therefore, for propaganda purposes, it is in the interest of Rapid Support to conduct specific operations in some areas and try to present themselves as the most widespread in Sudan.”

He said that the appearance of Commander Kikel today in the Butana areas does not necessarily indicate that the battles have moved to the east and north, but rather it appears that there is a competition between the leaders who joined the Rapid Support from different regions, and each of them is trying to confirm that he is present on the ground, and that his joining the Rapid Support is a form A real field presence for rapid support

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